After the success of our previous courses we have facilitated, we are excited to announce we are still accepting expressions of interest for the following training courses. Whilst we don’t have any confirmed dates or locations, we urge Operators to still express interest as it gives us an indictation of where to hold the next one.
Compliance Officer Training Course - Novemeber 20th & 21st. Held at Ciloms Airport Lodge, 398 Melrose Drive Tullamarine
Oversize Overmass Training Course - No current scheduled training course at this stage
For more information please see below.
Course Information
As a result of such great reviews and feedback from those who have attended our previous compliance officer courses, we are hoping to facilitate this training again this year. We are still accepting expressions of interest for those who are interested in attending. This helps us to prioritise the next lcoation.
The course will have a limit of 25 participants so please get your express of interest in early.
This training is ran over two days and participants are advised to bring their eagerness to learn and a postive attitude.
Mass Management staff have over 150 years of combined experience with both the transport industry and compliance management. Our presenters will share their experiences and expertise with the attendees to ensure a strong understanding of the role of compliance in your business.
What are the benfits of this course
There is a significant benefit for compliance staff interacting with other compliance officers from other businesses and operators. Attendees are encouraged to share their experiences, concerns and successes with the group. Past attendees have commented how good it is to be able to liaise with other compliance staff to share ideas as a result of meeting at this course.
The two day course covers topics such as;
The Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) explained in simple terms, the history, the reality and the facts,
Fatigue Laws & Work Diaries – background, purpose, what to check, how to check and how to administer non-compliance,
Accreditation – summary of the accreditation process, what to focus on, what records are required to be maintained, dealing with drivers and paperwork
Chain of Responsibility – the what, where, why and how of implementing and monitoring CoR in the business
How to manage the top ten transport risks, Fatigue, Speed, Drugs & Alcohol, Mass, Dimension, Load Restraint, Restricted Access, Distraction, Driver Behaviour and Vehicle Maintenance.
Is the course an RTO approved course?
At this stage the training is not an RTO approved course, however we know that past attendees have learnt a great deal from this course, as we find during our visits to businesses, that many compliance staff have not received proper training (as it has not been previously available).
Compliance monitoring and record keeping is vital in the transport industry and this training will equip staff with the skills, understanding and confidence to undertake this important role.
Costs & Details
The training will be held at Ciloms Airport Lodge, 398 Melrose Drive Tullamarine.
All-inclusive Training Package $2,970 with accommodation for the 20th November (inc GST payable on accommodation costs).
Full Training Course without accommodation $2,750.00
How to express your interest
Please complete the expression of interest form below.
We need your help
In order to be able to faciliate this course we need to ensure we have enough attendees secured. If you know of anyone in the transport industry who would benefit from this course, please forward them this website link.
Course information
Due to an increased number of enforcement activity to Class 1 operators and Overside load operators by NHVR, MassManagement will be conducting a 1-day course solely based on OSOM loads running under Gazette notices and permits to all states.
The course covers the basics of the following;
• What Gazette applies to the load being carried?
• Where to find the Gazette notice that is appropriate to my State or Territory
• How to read and interpret the gazette
• Where to find the approved routes that apply in all states and territories.
• What is an indivisible load?
• When can I carry multiple items?
• NHVR charges and penalties and prosecution results
• Recommendations on risk controls to assist in compliance
What do I need to bring?
A laptop is preferable to bring as the majority of this training is live demonstrations and discussions rather than the traditional power point presentations.
Course details
There is no current scheduled course at this time.
The cost to attend the course will be advised when the next scheduled date is confirmed.